Here is our default onboarding flow, with steps, fields, and comments. Want to learn more about our solution and see a demo of our white label onboarding flow? Contact us here.

Step Field Comment
0 - Country Country Make it a dropdown with only the geographies you serve
1 - Business Search bar Use autocomplete on that search bar, make it possible to search by registration number too
1 - Business Company name Pre-populate with data from search
1 - Business Company registration # Pre-populate with data from search
1 - Business Address Pre-populate with data from search
Use Google Maps API or other services for autocomplete
1 - Business Tax number Pre-populate with data from search
1 - Business Registration date Pre-populate with data from search
Use a nice date picker otherwise 🙂
1 - Business Legal type Pre-populate with data from search
Use a dropdown otherwise. Suggested legal types should depend on the country. See Wikipedia. Use shortlist of most probable legal types for countries like Germany.
2 - Applicant Are you on this list - suggestions Show a list of legal representatives and beneficial owners, use data from initial search
2 - Applicant First name Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
2 - Applicant Last name Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
2 - Applicant Nationalities Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
Note: allow for multiple nationalities
2 - Applicant Email
2 - Applicant Phone number Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
2 - Applicant Birth date Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
Use a nice date picker otherwise 🙂
2 - Applicant Birth country Pre-populate with data from suggestion selection
Pre-populate with initial selected country otherwise
2 - Applicant Address Use Google Maps API or other services for autocomplete
2 - Applicant Has legal authority Checkbox (yes or no), should be pre-checked to yes if user has selected a suggestion coming from the list of legal representatives
2 - Applicant Mandate If user does not have legal authority, show a dropbox to drop the mandate
2 - Applicant Signatory suggestions Show a list of legal representatives to capture the legal representative who issued the mandate
3 - UBOs UBOs - suggestions Suggest UBOs from data if open beneficiary owner data, otherwise suggest legal representatives, don’t forget to add the applicant in the suggestions if not there in the first place
3 - UBOs First name Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
3 - UBOs Last name Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
3 - UBOs Birth date Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
3 - UBOs Birth country Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
3 - UBOs Address Pre-populate with data from selected suggestion
4 - Documents IDs Be specific. Show one dropbox per ID that should be captured. Collect IDs for the applicant, the signatory and the UBOs.
5 - Confirmation Recap information

Applicant: the natural persons attached to the Business (legal entity)

UBO: Ultimate Beneficial Owner